The Green Hornet
Release date: January 14, 2011
The story follows the adventures of Britt Reid, a bored playboy whose life is changed when he inherits his father’s crusading newspaper, The Daily Sentinel. He saves the life of Kato, a Japanese man with incredible technical and martial-arts skills, who becomes Britt’s closest ally — and transforms Britt’s car into the supercharged Black Beauty, which gives them an edge as they search for evidence to expose the city’s underworld in the newspaper. When Britt and Kato witness a brutal mob hit, Britt invents his secret identity – taking his name from his powerful car’s defective horn.
Directed by: Michel Gondry
Screenplay by: Evan Goldberg, Seth Rogen
Produced by: Neal H. Moritz, Raffi Adlan
Cast: Seth Rogen … Britt Reid / The Green Hornet

Jay Chou … Kato

Cameron Diaz … Lenore Case

Christoph Waltz … Chudnofsky

World premiere: January 10, 2011 in Los Angeles, CA
Budget: $120 million
Box office: $98,780,042 (USA), $227,817,248 (worldwide)

Movie Quotes

Lenore Case: I’m only thirty six.
Britt Reid: Thirty six? Holy shit, I had no idea. I thought you were 31, tops. I don’t even know if I can hire a thirty six year old. We’ll have to build a ramp, huh?

Lenore Case: If you ever so much as look at my ass again…
Britt Reid: I can’t even see your ass.
Lenore Case: …I will sue you for sexual harassment. Do you understand?
Britt Reid: Hugs?

Production Notes

When Cameron Diaz heard about the opportunity to work with Michel Gondry and Seth Rogen, she didn’t need to think twice, saying “I was in New York and got a call that Seth Rogen and Michel Gondry were doing The Green Hornet. Those two names separately were incredibly interesting to me. But hearing those names together? It made the project completely irresistible. When I thought of those two minds together, I didn’t care what it was. I just had to be a part of it.”

“She’s smarter than both Britt and Kato put together,” Diaz says about her character. “They have no idea what they’re doing, whether it’s running a newspaper or being vigilante crime-fighters. Lenore is passionate about journalism and she’s obsessed with criminology and forensics.”

“We were so lucky to have Cameron play Lenore. She’s obviously known for her comedy,” producer Neal H. Moritz says about the casting of Cameron Diaz. “It was easy for us to have scenes between the three of them that were not only endearing and emotional but really funny as well.”

“The most fun we had,” picture car captain Dennis McCarthy recalls, “was when Seth came down one day and just got crazy. He was in the car, there put a camera guy in the backseat, and he burned rubber and did donuts for hours. He loved it. He did great.” Jay Chou had the same pleasure, and even Cameron Diaz, who doesn’t drive in the film, came out and did “burnouts, flies and spins. Out of all our cast, she was probably the best driver,” McCarthy grins.